Tag: Security
What to do after unboxing your new computer
So you’ve just got a new computer, what should you do with it now? Before you dive into your favourite social media site or hit the web, there are several things you can do to help keep you safe.
Online threat actors are taking advantage of our coronavirus fears
As if the world didn’t already have enough to contend with, online threat actors are actively taking advantage of the situation and targeting users with coronavirus related scams, malware and phishing emails
Multi Factor Authentication
Just about any account you own on the internet is susceptible to being hacked. Adding an additional step of authenticating your identity makes it harder for an attacker to access your data
Cyber Security Tips
The internet is riddled with malicious links, trojans and viruses. Data breaches have become more frequent. When one click can cost thousands keeping yourself alert and safe online has never been more important. Here are some cyber security tips
Protect your Website with an SSL Certificate
SSL is the backbone of our secure Internet and it protects sensitive information as it travels across the world
Avoiding Malicious Emails
Implement and follow good security practises to avoid falling victim to emails with malicious intent